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Best Practices in Identity Management: A 3-Part White Paper Series

The patient matching experts at Just Associates are pleased to present a 3-part series on optimal patient identity management. This important series explores why unique identifiers are important, as well as best practices around data conversion—planning, data mapping, testing and pre-conversion cleanup—and the long-term impacts as mergers and Accountable Care Organization (ACO) data integration efforts are on the rise. The series concludes by looking into medical record number synchronization and the impact on downstream systems, including diagrams to illustrate optimal data flows and EMPI integration scenarios.

Thank you for your interest. Please provide the following information and we'll direct you to the series:

  • Part 1: A Patient's Perspective: How Unique Patient Identifiers Impact Care
  • Part 2: MPI Data Conversion Planning: Mitigate Errors
  • Part 3: Clinical Data Interoperability: Critical Success Factors

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 303.693.4727.